As deliverables of the eCultValue project (EC, FP7) two documents have recently been published at the eCult Observatory:
– eCult Vision Paper for the use of ICT in cultural heritage (pdf, 27 pages);
– eCult Vademecum – a guide for museums to develop a technology strategy (pdf, 39 pages).
As as one of eCult Ambassadors I’m really happy to have the opportunity (together with Antonino Cosentino) to contribute the eCult Vademecum. Quotation: Margaretha MAZURA (Editor, Co-author, EMF), Goranka HORJAN, Cristina VANNINI (Co-authors, European Museum Forum), Kaja ANTLEJ, Antonino COSENTINO (eCult Ambassadors), eCult Vademecum: A Guide for Museums to Develop a Technology Strategy & Technology Providers to understand the Needs of Cultural Heritage Institutions, January 2015,